“You’re fired!”
These are the famous words outgoing-President Donald Trump loved to say and loathes to hear.
But the self-proclaimed “King of Debt” had to reckon with the bankruptcy and closing of all Trump’s Atlantic City casinos.
And now, the final firing is ready to take place: the demolition of Trump Plaza.

Trump in Atlantic City
Despite at some point owning three properties in Atlantic City, Trump’s legacy today is not a positive one. It’s no exaggeration to say that Trump is not loved among many in Atlantic City.
In the words of Mayor Marty Small, “Some of Atlantic City’s iconic moments happened there, but on his way out, Donald Trump openly mocked Atlantic City, saying he made a lot of money and then got out.”
The once-bankrupted Trump Marina is now the Golden Nugget. Play over 700 games online now!
Demolition of Trump Plaza
The sad history of Trump Plaza’s physical building was documented by a photo-essay in the Guardian. The Plaza left a wake of unemployment and enranged contractors as Trump defaulted on many of his loans and contracts.
That history may generate some very motivated bidders to blow up Trump Plaza.
Mayor Small is betting on that. In fact, he has opened a bidding war to determine who gets to press the detonate button.
He’s hoping to raise one million dollars for the Boys and Girls Club of Atlantic City. But given the disdain held by some disgruntled former contractors and citizens, he may raise more than that.
Trump’s bankrupted Taj Mahal was purchased to become the current Hard Rock Casino. Play online now!
D-day Dates
The auction to press the button will be held on January 19, 20201.
Trump Plaza is scheduled to be demolished January 29 (9 days after Trump leaves office).
Current owner Carl Icahn has not announced plans for the property.
Rolling Stone, “Win a Chance to Destroy Trump’s Casino Like He Destroyed Our Country.”
NPR, “Atlantic City Is Offering Bidders The Chance To Blow Up A Former Trump Casino“